26th Annual Youth Conference
6 Oct 2019
Alhamdulilllah by the will of Allah the 26th Annual Youth Conferance will be taking place on the 6th October 2019 at the Islamic Dawah Academy in Leicster, in which various Islamic talks, Tilwah of the Holy Quran, Nasheeds and Finally the main talk by Shaykhul-Hadith, Hadhrat Mawalana Muhammad Salaeem Dhorat Hafizahullah will take place.
Each year many people both old and young attend this gathering and change their lives, young people from all over the country will be attending the annual conferance, hence we encourage you to partake in the conferance and to encourage others to attend as well.
Inshallah as like every year, a coach will be leaving from our Masjid on Sunday 6th October at 9AM and will return back to Clapton around 9PM on the same day. Snacks will br provided on the journey both ways and the costs will be as usual, £15 per person.
Alhamdulillah, each year our coach gets full and brothers are then re-directed to join coaches from different areas, hence we advise brothers to get in contact with our Imam Mawlana Zayd Gajia Sahib via email as soon as possible to book your slot.